Christian Topics

By Way of Reminder

“…To stir you up by way of reminder” (2 Peter 1:13b, ESV)


By Way of Reminder began as the framework for a mini-retreat outline that soon became curriculum for other classes. It has been updated and expanded several times. Just as the name implies it was written to remind Christians regarding the teachings of Jesus and how that they are still relevant today. But as stated above in a quote from Peter, it should also stir us up, our prayer is that it will do just that! The Preface below is from the latest edition, please read (it helps to "set the stage" for the book). The Table of Contents links to the document to view online. It is also available in PDF and other "E-book" formats, see below the Preface for links.

From the Book's Preface

This book was written for all Christians, young and old. The purpose is just as the title suggests, to remind us what is important, to remind us who and what we are, to remind us that we serve a great and marvelous God and while we are remembering, to stir us up! Peter used a Greek word that really calls us to wake up and take note of what is going on around us. Throughout the Bible, God chose different ways to remind His people of things and events that were important, things that should be passed on from generation to generation.

We know that the Israelites had problems remembering what God had done for them. For example, when you look at stories such as Moses in the desert or when he was on Mt. Sinai, you recognize just how fast some of them forgot even after witnessing God’s amazing power. Throughout the Old Testament we see a pattern that I often call the “sine of the times,” where God’s people are blessed and become prosperous but soon turn away from God. During this time they often embraced idolatry and pagan rituals making God angry. He then stops blessing them, putting an end to their prosperity and if that didn’t bring them back to God, He brought an enemy in forcing them to either slave labor or severely limit their freedom. After a period of time they realize what they have done (often through a prophet) and repent of their disobedience. God then provides the solution, they are freed from oppression and once again they become blessed and prosperous. Unfortunately they end up starting the cycle all over again, hence the use of the term ‘sine’, just like a sine wave (a positive period followed by a negative period), over and over again.

Now before we say or think anything bad about the Israelites regarding their past behavior and their deplorable handling of God and His Word, we need to recognize this continues to occur with God’s people today. True, the issue of memory affects all of us, but I am not just talking about forgetting Scripture or some other element of Christianity, I am referring to our failure to remember to make our Lord and Savior the most important part of our lives. Why is this happening? I believe that Christianity today is suffering from malnutrition; Christians are simply not taking in enough Spiritual food (the Word of God) to sustain them in this ever-changing world. We have forgotten to take time out for Jesus.

This book will help Christians review some of the basic concepts of Christianity. While not adhering to any denominational influence, this book will challenge Christians to examine their own daily walk with God, all based on Biblical principles.

Rediscovering God’s Word is like rediscovering God’s love, He is after all, love. This book was written to lovingly guide us through what it means to be a Christian. It’s called “By Way of Reminder” and not by way of threat or by way of anger for the same reason Peter wrote his second epistle, to remind us to walk closer to and with Jesus.

In His Name,
Dave Heywood
Rediscover the Bible Ministries


© 2016 by David A. Heywood. All rights reserved. Published by Rediscover the Bible Ministries, Inc.

Verses marked ESV, Scripture references are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Verses marked GW or God’s Word are taken from GOD’S WORD. Copyright © 1995 by God’s Word to the Nations Bible Society. All rights reserved.

Verses marked NIV are taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ All rights reserved worldwide.

Verses marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation. Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents

Chapter One
What is Christianity?
How do You Define Christianity?
Who is Jesus?
   He is Real
   He is Divine
   He Never Changes
   He is the Creator
   He is a Man
   He is the Head of the Church
   He is the subject of the Bible
What Did Jesus Do For You?
   Problem: Sin Separates Us from God
   He Came to Save Us from the Effects of Our Sin
   He Led a Sin-less Life
   He Suffered and Died
   He Arose
   He Still Lives
   He Gives Us Good News
What is Our Response to Him?
   The Courtesy of a Response is Appreciated
   Live for Him
   Love Like Him
   Witness for Him
We are Not Alone
   No Solo Acts
   Fellowship of Believers
Chapter Two
What is the Bible?
Where Did the Bible Come From?
   Brief History
Is the Bible the Word of God?
   How Did God Communicate His Word?
   Separating God’s Word from Man’s Word
   What Makes the Bible Different?
   How Should the Bible be Interpreted?
Chapter Three
What Does the Bible Say?
Promises from God
Our Commission
Sermon on the Mount
   Introduction and the Beatitudes
   We Are to Suffer Too?
   Be Seen and Be Heard
   God Does Not Change and Neither Does His Word
   Oaths and Swearing
   Love Everyone Including Your Enemies
   Giving to the Poor and Needy
   Treasures in Heaven
   Don’t Worry
   Judging Others
   Discernment and Duty
   All You Need to Do is Ask
   Golden Rule
   Warning! False Teachers and Prophets Ahead
   No Phonies Allowed
   Jesus, Our Firm Foundation
Chapter Four
What Do You Think?
What is a Worldview?
What is a Biblical Worldview?
What Should Our Worldview Contain?
Possible Applications of a Modern Biblical/Christian Worldview
Chapter Five
Warning: Potential Pitfalls, Problems and Pain
The War
Pride Goes Before Destruction
Time and Priorities
   Science vs. Christianity
   Trustworthiness of the Bible
   Existence of Jesus
   Liberal Education
   Social gospel
   Prosperity gospel
   Non-Christian Churches
   Peer Pressure
Rough Waters
   Sickness and Other Suffering
   Is Life Unfair?
Other Barriers
Chapter Six
The Best Is Saved for Last
   His Strength Required
   No One is Perfect
   He Forgives
   You Think You Have Gone Too Far?
Chapter Seven
Now What?