Christian Topics

Introduction to Pegboard Theology

“Theology is practical: especially now. In the old days, when there was less education and discussion, perhaps it was possible to get on with a very few simple ideas about God. But it is not so now. Everyone reads, everyone hears things discussed. Consequently, if you do not listen to Theology, that will not mean that you have no ideas about God. It will mean that you have a lot of wrong ones—bad, muddled, out-of-date ideas."

C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity


The subject of theology can apply to multiple faiths and beliefs, each with varied backgrounds and ideas of who and what God is. But since there can only be one truth, all the other stories can be considered manufactured either by man or by some invisible, yet powerful, dark force. How does one sort out what is true?

Let me start by saying theology is not just for theologians. The word theology in its simplest basically means the study of God. However, we are unable to put God under a microscope or analyze what He is made of. We can only examine God through what He has done (such as creation) and His Word. How is this done? In a nut shell, it begins with the text source, then a wide variety of tools are developed to properly translate and interpret the words, followed by a close examination of the entire Bible to create a series of premises that become the framework through which, everything knowable about God is interpreted.

Since theology can shape how we view and interact with God, it is each person’s responsibility to examine what God has revealed about Himself to us. History has shown how theologies developed by many theologians were embraced by others and sparked many movements, some into well-organized denominations. However, since most followers of a movement do not take the time to critically analyze the framework of the theology that guides their beliefs, there is the potential for being misguided.

The problem is simple, God created us and we, the created, are trying to understand something beyond our ability, it will never happen. However, since God knew this dilemma, He provided a way to understand what we need to know about Him. Sadly, this is where the debate begins, mankind breaking down the Word of God in order to properly relate to Him. Of course, that is exactly what should be done, how else can the finite understand the infinite? The issue is that there are hundreds of varied theologies and variations of theologies and they keep splitting and dividing, making even more diverse theologies. Why is that? The answer is simple, there are forces in this world that want to blot out or mask the truth, to keep people looking in the wrong direction.

History has also shown us that on occasion, theologians have been raised by God to affect change. The Protestant Reformation is one example of a much-needed theology correction. Yet, since many theologies continue to change and deteriorate, reform should be and on-going process.

This book is no different, I am not going to tout that this book has all the answers or is in any way completely correct. Once again, mankind can never fully understand God, we are simply not wired to do that. All I am attempting to do is to share with theologians and non-theologians alike, a simple approach to studying and understanding God’s Word. God loves us and wants us to know Him and to know His plans for us. Since He is God, He would also know we need things spelled out, in other words, straightforward and simple.

Through the years of teaching, my prayer has always been that all who read and study the Word of God, to see and hear the truth as well as be willing to set aside presuppositions and other barriers that prevent them from growing close to Jesus. The Bible is about Jesus, if you do not believe that to be true, my prayer and sincere hope is that you will read this book with an open mind and that you will see and learn that God not only loves you, but has sent His Son, Jesus to restore your relationship with Him, please read on.

Know, Grow, and Go In His Name,
Dave Heywood
Rediscover the Bible Ministries, Inc.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Overview

The Study of God

Pegboard Theology Basic Premises

Adding the Pegs and the Board

Chapter 2 - We Need to Know

Reading and Understanding the Bible

Framework for Proper Understanding

Literary Devices

Chapter 3 - The Theme of the Bible

Jesus is the Centerpiece

The Unanswerable Question

Chapter 4 - Promises and Covenants

The Nature of God

Conditional Versus Unconditional

Proper Peg Placement

Chapter 5 - Additional Elements

Everything in the Bible is There for a Reason

God Says What He Means and Means What He Says

Never Needs Revision or Updating

Bible Versions and Translations

Chapter 6 - Intentional Deception

Introducing the World’s Chief Misinformation Officer

Literal versus Allegorical

Replacement Theology

Chapter 7 - Hell Avoidance

Essential Doctrine

Chapter 8 - Living for Jesus

All Authority

What Did Jesus Teach?

Considering What is Missing

Chapter 9 - Eschatology

Prophecy: God's Signature

Models and Types

Unfulfilled Prophecy

End-Time Events

Paralyzed by Prophecy

Chapter 10 - Closing

The Perpetual Onion

The Main Thing

Our Response

Chapter 11 - End Notes and Miscellany

Worldview Defined




Pegboard Theology © 2022 by David A. Heywood. All rights reserved.

Unless otherwise noted or verses marked ESV, Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.

All sections and chapter of this book were written using the following reverse interlinears as the primary source of the original Scriptural texts:

Old Testament
McDaniel, C. (2009). The English-Hebrew Reverse Interlinear Old Testament English Standard Version. Lexham Press. This reverse interlinear aligns the ESV Old Testament with the Lexham Hebrew Bible. Copyright 2009 Lexham Press.

New Testament
Schwandt, J. (2009). The English-Greek Reverse Interlinear New Testament English Standard Version. Lexham Press. This reverse interlinear aligns with the ESV New Testament with the SBL Greek New Testament. Copyright 2009 Lexham Press.