Christian Topics

Things to Consider While Studying the Bible

Introduction to Considerations

When a book as complex as the Bible is being studied many details can easily be overlooked. Several of the commentaries available on this website contain a number of notes that go beyond the normal exposition; we call them “Considerations.” Just as the name implies, these are things to consider while reading the Scriptural text and commentary. But they can also be useful in answering some Biblical or theological questions, so we have compiled several of them and listed them here (as well as a few others) on this page. This list will provide links to the various commentary pages where the contents of the consideration can be read. If you wish to return to this page after reading, click on the "Go Back" button on the lower left corner of the page.

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SubjectRelated Consideration Title(s)
AccuracyAccuracy RevisitedAccuracy Assured
After LifeAbraham's Bosom
AngelsGabrielSupernatural Abilities
AnxietyNot Knowing What is Next
ApocryphaApocryphaApocryphal and Other Extra-Biblical Writings
Appointed Times/FeastsPassover in the TalmudEaster SundayThe Same PentecostWait! Add Leaven?Sound the AlarmA Time to RejoiceOther Notable CelebrationsThe Eigth DayChurch CalendarProphetic Overview
AtonementAnointing the Mercy SeatThe Aroma of Atonement
BaptismBaptism by FireNo Baptisms
Barriers to TruthPresuppositionsCommon BarriersIntellectual BarriersDon’t Let the Wine Intoxicate Your Thoughts
BibleWithout GenesisHermeneuticsPotential ContradictionsEverything Including GrumblingBiblical Numbering SchemesA Key Verse of the BibleHeptadic StructureGoing UpThe Truth in ContextTwo Isaiahs?The Scariest Words in the BibleMysteries
BlessingTrust is Necessary for BlessingBlessings and Curses
Bondservant, Servant, and SlaveBondservant RevisitedSlave, Servant, or Bondservant?
Bottomless PitBottomless Pit
BronzeMetals of Redemption
CaesarIntroducing the Caesars
ChristianityIs there such as thing as a complacent Christian?Blocked By A ChristianHigher Calling?Vectors and PolarizationsAre Christians Secure in their Salvation?HypocritesA Christian’s VocationChristians Should Never ForgetAdopted as Children of GodIt’s Not About UsNot EasyExtraordinary Love + Extraordinary Action = Extraordinary WitnessLosing HeartDoubtBorn AgainBeing ObedientFollowing Takes EffortAlive and Free, But Still BoundOne of the Most Profound and Damning Statements in the BibleUnity, so what?Waiting for GodBlessing GodBut Christians die just like everyone else!Children of God
Christian PersecutionChristian MartyrsThe Persecution Continues
ChurchA Model of the Bride of ChristDanger in ComfortWarning: Not for Incoming Use OnlyThe Need to ReformChurch DisciplineAltarsSacramentsShould the Church Be Operated as a Business?Denominations Revisited
CovenantCovenantsName ChangingCircumcisionCovenant Promise or Blessing; Conditional vs. UnconditionalThe New Covenant Did Not Replace All of the Previous CovenantsGod’s Unconditional Promises and CovenantsAbrahamic Covenant Revisited
CreationOnly What We Need to KnowModern ThinkingAge of the EarthDay-Age TheoryIlluminationAccording to Their Own KindsLet them be for signs and for seasons…Body, Soul and SpiritImage of GodSocial GospelSurely DieDecayKnowing Good and EvilOnly One Human Race
CrucifixionOutside the City
DanielDaniel and the MagiA Breakdown of the Abominations and Desolations in the Book of Daniel
DemonsDemonsDemon Possession
DisciplesDisciplesLeaving Everything to Follow JesusFrom Ordinary to ExtraordinaryNot of This WorldNot Seeing the “Big Picture”
EgyptSummary of the PlaguesWhat About the Hardening of Pharaoh’s Heart?
Election and PredestinationElection and Predestination
Eschatology (End Times)The Red Heifer Connection to EschatologyAre We in the End Times?The Role of a Christian During the Last DaysThe Tail Wagging the Dog?ArmageddonOther Future Wars in ProphecyBabylon RevisitedMystery BabylonThe Rapture vs. The Second ComingStuck in the MuckMany ‘Millennialisms’
Eternal LifeLiving Water
EvangelismTaking OffenseA Connection Between Evangelism and Prayer Requests?
EvilWhat is Evil?
FaithFaith in What?Mountain MoversWhy is Faith So Important?Faith Made Her WellJustified by Faith
False ProphetsTrue Test
FearAdmitting our FearsWhy are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?
FloodNephilimA Global Flood, Not a Local Flood
GodThe GodheadGod's TimingEnd of Rope Beginning of GodInconsistent God?God Allowed vs. God OrdainedAbominationWhy obey God?The Sovereignty of God RevisitedGod Keeps His PromisesKnow HimOnly God Knows the HeartTetragrammatonHelping GodGive Credit to GodThe Sovereignty of GodVows to GodThe Shema in a NutshellGod’s Presence in CloudsShekinah Glory
God's WordFollow God’s WordNothing But the Truth - All Blemishes Are VisibleWomen IncludedHow Does God’s Word Get Corrupted?Truly, Truly
GoldMetals of Redemption
GospelGospel Genealogy OverviewTeaching ThemNow What?Go!
HealingLeprosyHealingLaying On Of HandsHealing Revisited
HeavenHeaven Revisited
Hebrew Song and PoetryHebrew Poetry and Song
HellHell on Earth?Hell By Any Other Name is Still Hell or Is it?Who Has the Authority to Cast Someone to Hell?
HerodMeet the Herods
HolinessConsecrationWater of PurificationHoly After the CrossHolyUnclean and UnwantedContrary to the World
Holy SpiritAdd, Subtract, Multiply or Divide InfinityTake NotFilled With the Holy SpiritHoly Spirit Revisited
HomosexualityHomosexuality RevisitedHomosexuality and the Church
Human ExistenceDichotomyThe Third ComponentSpiritual Consumption
Human Comprehension of GodGet Behind Me Satan!The Reason You Are WrongThe Ultimate Goal
IdolsIdols and Idol WorshipClearly IdolatryNehushtanBaal and Those Cities Hyphenated with BaalThe Mythology of AsherahFertility Deities or God? Perhaps Both?
IsraelThe Name of IsraelWhy would God use a nation contrary to His own nature to punish Israel?Evidence of DestructionThe Nation of Israel as God’s VineyardLeft Desolate, Very DesolateThe Tribes of IsraelRoyal Bloodline
Israelities en route to the Promised LandExodus RoutePotential RouteRandom or Precision?Banners of the TribesTotal PopulationIf God is For UsDepravity of Man RevisitedWho and What is Balaam?Is Being on the East Side Out of the Will of God?Borders Commanded
JesusJesus is the RockNazirite versus NazareneThe Star over BethlehemThe Potential Impact of the Daughters of Zelophehad on the Genealogy of JesusBeyond RecognitionHow much power?The Enigma We Call JesusThe Second ComingThe Blood Curse of JechoniahNot a Last NameAuthoritySon of ManTell No OneThe Lord of the SabbathThree Days and Three NightsRelationship vs. ReligionJesus PrayingHosannaAnointingNardMary UnderstoodBetrayed by a FriendMade Him to Be SinIntroduction to Jesus’ TrialsWhy Jesus Came OutAngered and GrievedHumble BeginningsWas Jesus Disobedient?Full of the SpiritDid Jesus Break the Law?Forgive Them! They Do Not Know What They Are Doing!Subatomic Bonding by Jesus?Theophanies and ChristophaniesDid Jesus Say He is God?Split in TwoDying for AnotherVictim of PoliticsThe Role and Titles of the MessiahProphetic PromisesThe Messiah Had to be a ManNames and Titles of JesusJesus at Caesarea Philippi
John the BaptistWhy Did John the Baptist Still Have Disciples?Why Did John Have Doubts?
JubileeLand for PeaceA Christian Perspective of the Year of Jubilee
JudaismAncient Jewish WritingsTwo Calendar SystemRitual CleansingSad HistorySanhedrinBeing an Obedient JewCapital Punishment by the Jews RevokedRequired PilgrimageReplacement TheologyJewish DiasporasJewish Diasporas RevisitedThe Vicious Cycle of ApathyReplacement Theology RevisitedAntisemitism
JudgmentNot Wishing Any to PerishShall Not Perish
Kingdom of GodKingdom of HeavenPrepareComparing the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God to HeavenKingdom of the World
Kinsman RedeemerKinsman Redeemer
LawNothing Was to be Added or SubtractedInvalid Testimony?
LevitesBeing a Possession of GodWhy Disperse the Levities?
LifeTraumatic Events in LifeTearing ClothesIs Life Fair?Grumbling is Human NatureRespect for Life Must Be Taught and UnderstoodThe Meaning of Life
LoveCommanded to Love?Love One Another
MagiDaniel and the MagiThree Gifts
MarriageMarriageMonogamous Marriage Revisited
MiraclesSupernatural or Supernormal
MosesIntroducing MosesWas Moses Allowed in the Most Holy Place in the Tabernacle?A Broken ModelMoses’ Body
MourningSackcloth and Ashes
NamesNames RevisitedOld Testament NamesWhat’s in a Name?
ParablesSummary of the Kingdom Parables
Passion WeekTiming
Passover (Last Supper)Introduction to PassoverRemember Him
ParentingThe Parent’s JobDoes That Answer Your Question?
PhariseesPhariseesStalking JesusWere the Pharisees Ignorant?Misrepresenting GodDemanding EvidencePotentially Sinister
PrayerIncense and PrayerPrayerFastingNot Enough FaithPrayer Before and After Bible Study
PriestsMinimum Age of a PriestPriests vs. PastorsChief Priest versus High PriestPriests No Longer Required
Promised LandNo SurvivorsWho is Worthy to Enter?Total Annihilation
ProphecyProphecyProphecy Revisited AgainUncut StonesThe Prophetic TruthThe Wrath of God, Cruelty and SufferingProphecyProphecy FulfilledTimes of the GentilesWhy Study Prophecy Revisited
RaptureRemoved for Judgment?Rapture Revisited
RedemptionModels of RedemptionRedemption and Intercession Interlocked
ResurrectionResurrection is What the Bible Teaches
RetaliationRetaliation Revisited
Reward in HeavenWhat Exactly is a Reward?
SabbathTrick Question: How many Sabbaths in a year?The Dilemma of the SabbathThe Lord of the Sabbath
SacrificesThe Connection to Romans 12Pleasing AromaOverview of OfferingsSummary of the Number of Animal SacrificesWhy Would God No Longer Desire Sacrifices?
SaintsOld Testament Saints
SatanIntroducing SatanSatan's MotivationNo DenialsBeelzebulSatan’s Attempts to Stop God’s PlanNames of Satan
SilverThirty Pieces of SilverMetals of Redemption
SinDepravity of ManIntentional versus UnintentionalA Contextual Conundrum?No Mention of SinUnpardonable?Loose TonguesPrideClosing the GapConsequences of SinGenerational CursesWashed by Jesus
Sodom and GomorrahIntercessionThe Lure of SinRighteous in God's EyesLocation in QuestionPillar of SaltDrunk with Wine
SolomonRoyal Regulations Rejected
Spiritual DiscernmentA Spiritual Conundrum
Spiritual FruitBearing Fruit
Spiritual GiftsSpiritual Gifts
StonesThe Identification of Stones in Scripture
SufferingSuffer Too?The Problem of Suffering
TabernacleYou Can See Jesus in the FurnitureCherubs Have a Public Relations ProblemMetals of RedemptionReconciliation Through Sacrifice RevisitedNew Beginnings
Tax CollectorsWhy Tax-Collectors Were Loathed
TempleTemple DestroyedTisha b’AvTemple MountTemple Location RevisitedMillennial TempleTemple versus Tabernacle
Ten CommandmentsIntroduction to the Ten CommandmentsLegalism
Three DaysThree Days
TransfigurationA Glance Into the Future?Why Moses and Elijah?
TrinityIntroducing the Trinity
Trusting GodTrusting in God Can Be Contrary to ReasonAkedahProof Testing
TruthJohn and TruthTruth Revisited
Twelve TribesTwelve Tribes
WorldviewWhat is a Wordview?Paradigm Change
WorshipTrue Worship? What does that mean?A New Song