Chapter 5 - Additional Elements
Everything in the Bible is There for a Reason
God’s Word is not a bunch of randomly compiled stories that we can pick and choose to accept or not. The Word of God is not simply words on a page or static letters printed on paper, it is a living and life-changing document. What do I mean by that? Have you ever noticed that no matter how well you know an event from the Bible, that when you read the text again, you learn something or have a greater understanding of God afterward? That is the Holy Spirit touching our hearts and minds as we read. If you do not understand what you read, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth to you (see John 14:26; 16:13-15; Romans 8:26-27; 1 Corinthians 2:6-13; James 1:5). Do not ignore or allegorize something just because you or your teacher do not understand something. As Christians, we need to be diligent in our study of the Word, not lazy.
God Says What He Means and Means What He Says
The title is self-explanatory, when God speaks He does not need to be analyzed and ‘deciphered’. The Word of God is straightforward and does not require a “higher wisdom” to understand. The desire of God is for all to be saved through His Son Jesus (see 1 Timothy 2:4; 2 Peter 3:9), so why would He try to convolute the message? The Bible is to be interpreted as written from a literal point of view (unless the context clearly is using a metaphor, metonym, allegory, etc.) and understand the text as written. The simplest explanation is more often the correct interpretation (remember Ockham’s Razor). Many false teachers like to lure people into believing that they possess some secret or the answer to some mystery that unlocks a hidden message or meaning of the Bible, that is not how God works. All that is required is an earnest desire to seek Him and a desire to learn from the Bible, the Holy Spirit will provide the rest (see Matthew 6:33; James 1:5-8).
Due to either a presupposition or some man-made limitation on God’s ability, many scholars and theologians will intentionally change a literal saying to something entirely different. For example, if you have a Bible commentary that is over a hundred years old, chances are the author will note that the nation of Israel will never come back and all the many prophetic promises of Israel’s revival must mean something else. Not only were they wrong but they missed how important the Israelites are and that He always keeps His promises.
Never Needs Revision or Updating
God’s Word is eternal (see Psalm 119:89, 152; Matthew 24:35; 1 Peter 1:24-25). In my lifetime, I have watched denomination after denomination fall to pressure and compromise the integrity of the Word of God, often stating for their reasons that “times have changed.” While it is true that things change and will continue to change, neither God, nor His Word changes. Both will always be true and remain relevant (see John 1:1; 8:58; Hebrews 13:8; Revelation 1:4-8).
Bible Versions and Translations
Today we have several English versions of the Bible to choose from, some provide an easier-to-read text (often called functional or dynamic equivalent) while others attempt to stick closer to the format and structure of the original language (often referred to as formal equivalent or literal). Which one is more accurate? Bible versions vary significantly and some may offer out-of-date words, less-than-precise wording in their translations or attempt to communicate the “thought” of each verse or section through paraphrasing, but we need to recognize that no version is perfect and understand that each translation and version has its strengths and weaknesses. So, the question should be, “Which one is best for me?” Through prayer and diligence, only you can answer that question. To study and interpret Scripture, additional resources, such as an exhaustive concordance and a Bible dictionary, is strongly advised. This will allow you to investigate words with greater accuracy, along with offering a basic understanding of any word’s etymology. Please note that the exhaustive concordance you choose should match the Bible version selected.
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