Chapter 6 - Probable Timeline
Why Probable?
Understanding that the primary purpose of Biblical prophecy is to validate God’s message and not for predictions, we need to realize that until a prophecy is fulfilled we may not have sufficient understanding or information to make accurate assertions regarding timing. We can, however, create a ‘probable’ timeline based on what can be distilled out of both the Old and New Testaments. In other words, this is a “best-guess” timeline, which may or may not be chronologically accurate. No dates will be given, only time periods taken from Scripture will be presented.
The first question many ask regarding the subject of eschatology is, “When will the end times begin?” And perhaps the second-most-asked question is, “Are we already in the end times?” Many expect the answers to these questions to be “black and white” looking for an absolute answer. To be truthful no one can answer these questions with an absolute response. Most theologians and commentators agree that as we approach the end times there will be a gradual increase of the signs offered in Scripture.
In history we have seen nearly every end-time sign come and go, but the end didn’t arrive. There have been many periods where people have concluded “this is it, the time has come.” So why do people believe that we have entered into the end times? The answer is simple, there has never been a time in history when so many end-time signs have occurred simultaneously. If we are not in the ‘end times’, we are close.
This timeline includes the major events but not every detail of those events. Biblical references will be included for your personal study.
The following narrative will be primarily be in a future tense, referring to things that will happen. But we need to remember that John, even though witnessing these future events, his participation has already occurred. In other words, John’s interactions during this time will not likely be repeated as he was an observer of the future, not a participant. Therefore the following wording will be a mix of future and past tenses.
Prior to the Rapture (Now)
Christians (the church) on earth continue to do the work God has called them to do, this responsibility will not change until the Rapture. Christians are not to be disillusioned or allow themselves to be influenced by the world. As hostility towards Christians and Christian beliefs increase, trust in Jesus and God’s Word must also increase. Regardless of political issues, economic conditions, wars being fought, or the moral decline of the world, Christians are to always diligently seek Jesus and keep praying for those who do not know Him.
As the tine approaches various “signs of the end of the age” will become more prominent. Jesus warned, “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.” (Matthew 24:7-8) He also noted that, “And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.” (Matthew 24:12) Which aligns well with what Paul wrote about the end times, “But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.” (2 Timothy 3:1-5)
The Rapture
As discussed earlier, this is a highly controversial subject among Christians, let alone the outside world. The event is not the Second Coming of Jesus, but He does come down and greet His believers in the air. Like much of the debates regarding eschatology, timing among those who believe that the rapture will occur is passionately defended. This is the source of the ‘Pre-Trib’, Mid-Trib’, ‘Post-Trib’, and ‘Pre-Wrath’ arguments. Since God has history of removing His people before judgment (for example, Noah’s family before the worldwide flood, and Lot and his family being removed from Sodom before its destruction), this event will occur prior to final judgment (God’s wrath) begins.
Many believe that since the Holy Spirit dwells in believers (see 1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19; 12:13; 1 John 3:24) that once all believers are raptured that there will no longer be a restraint over evil, allowing the rise of Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet. Some are concerned that would also “shut the door” on Christian conversions, but there is evidence that the Holy Spirit will provide words for those who accept Jesus after the Rapture (see Mark 13:11) and that evangelism will continue (see Matthew 24:14; Revelation 7:9-14). The Holy Spirit will still be present and active on earth.
Believers (up to the time of the Rapture, the church) will receive their glorified bodies. (This does not include those that accept Jesus after the Rapture, they will receive their resurrected bodies later.) While in heaven these believers will face the “Bema Seat” judgment. This is not a judgment regarding one’s salvation as they would not be there if they were unbelievers. Paul often wrote about the time when Christians will stand before the judgment seat of God, and give Him an account of their deeds, things done for the kingdom (see Romans 14:8-10; 1 Corinthians 3:11-15; 9:24-27). God will review and weigh personal motives and intentions of the heart. This judgment is for rewards only, no one is going to be ’thrown out’ of heaven!
The Invasion of Israel
Recorded in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 is an invasion of Israel sometimes referred to as the ‘Magog Invasion’. Since this prophecy has not occurred in history and there are no time frames mentioned in the text, it will happen at some point in the future. Therefore, it could occur before or after the Rapture.
Utilizing the ancient names of the various nations (which can be determined using history to be Russia, Iran, Sudan, Libya, parts of Europe, Turkey, and possibly parts of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan), Ezekiel writes about how Israel will be invaded, but God will intervene in a way that everyone will know that it was God. Many will realize that the God of Israel is the one and only all-powerful God, they will undoubtedly will begin to seek Him.
The Tribulation - Part One - The Beginning
With the church now in heaven, the world political scene changes almost immediately. The unholy trinity (Satan, Antichrist, and the False Prophet, all referred to as being ‘beasts’ in Revelation) will begin to rise to center stage. One of the first tasks the Antichrist will do is negotiate a seven-year covenant with Israel (see Daniel 9:24-27). This event begins a period of tribulation often simply called the Tribulation. It also triggers the series of events known as the “Day of the Lord.” We need to remember that the “Day of the Lord” is not a single ‘day’ but a time period that encapsulates several events.[1]
The Antichrist will continue to rise in power, as discussed earlier, there is a lot of debate as to his identity and background. He will likely be from a region that was associated with the ancient Roman Empire, as it appears that much of the Antichrist’s government is a reawakening of that empire (see Daniel 7:3-8, see also Daniel 2:41-43).
The Tribulation - Part Two - The First Half
During the first half of the Tribulation, as a result of the covenant with Israel, the Temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem. Also during this time John witnesses Jesus being given the seven-sealed scroll in heaven (see Revelation 5:1-14). The first four seals will be opened exposing four horsemen, the first will be a rider of a white horse conquering, followed by the rider of a red horse taking peace away by slaying people with a great sword, then a rider of a black horse bringing economic collapse, and the fourth horseman will ride a pale-green horse bringing famine, pestilence, and death. The fifth seal will reveal the souls of those who had been martyred for their beliefs under the altar. They will plead for vengeance and will be given white robes and will be told to wait (see Revelation 6:9-11). When the sixth seal is opened there will be a great earthquake, the sun, moon, and stars will be darkened. People on earth will scramble for protection as they try to hide from the “wrath of the Lamb” (see Revelation 6:12-17).
Twelve thousand from each tribe of Israel that recognized that Jesus is the Messiah after the beginning of the Tribulation will be sealed (protected) by God to be His witnesses on earth (see Revelation 7:4-8).
The seventh seal will be opened, revealing seven “trumpet judgments.” The first trumpet will bring hail and fire which will destroy a third of the earth (see Revelation 8:7). The second trumpet sounds and a fiery mountain will fall into the ocean turning the water into blood which will kill a third of the sea creatures (see Revelation 8:8). The third trumpet will be heard and a star will fall striking the earth causing a third of the fresh water to be bitter and undrinkable (see Revelation 8:10-11). The fourth trumpet will start a large cosmic disturbance, where a third of the sun, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars will be struck causing the light level to be lower during both day and night (see Revelation 8:12-13). The sound of the fifth trumpet will release bizarre evil creatures out of the bottomless pit which will relentlessly torment humans. The pain inflicted will be so intense that people will seek death but will not be able to die (see Revelation 9:1-12). The sixth trumpet will release the angels that were bound at the Euphrates River which will then proceed to kill a third of humanity (see Revelation 9:13-21).
God will raise up two powerful witnesses who will prophesy for 1,260 days (three and a half years based on a standard ‘Biblical Year’ of 360 days). The miracles of judgment they will perform will be similar to those recorded in the Old Testament by Moses and Elijah (see Revelation 11:1-6).
The political structure of the world will radically change as the Antichrist rises in power (see Revelation 13:1-18). Meanwhile a religious system based in Babylon will dominate and control each of the world governments (see Revelation 14:8; 17:1-18).
The Tribulation - Part Three - The Middle
At the midpoint of the seven-year period of the Tribulation, Satan will be cast out of heaven (see Revelation 12:12-13). He will then become furious as he knows his time is very limited (see Revelation 12:17). Which undoubtedly is one of the reasons why the last half of the Tribulation will be especially dangerous for believers.
Two ‘beasts’ are introduced who are known by many as “the Antichrist” and “the False Prophet” (see Revelation 13:1-18). The Antichrist will then to be ‘mortally’ wounded but will be ‘healed’ by Satan (see Revelation 13:1-4, 12). This supposed healing will be considered a miracle by the populous elevating his popularity and status.
The two witnesses God raised up in Revelation chapter eleven to prophesy for 1,260 days will be killed by the Antichrist. Their bodies will be publicly displayed for three and a half days before God will resurrect them and raise them to heaven in a cloud in full view of everyone (see Revelation 11:7-13).
The worldwide religious system based in Babylon will be destroyed by the Antichrist and the kings of the world (see Revelation 17:16-17). The Antichrist will then assume the role of a world dictator and then demand to be worshiped (see Daniel 9:27; 11:36-38; Matthew 24:15; 2 Thessalonians 2:4; Revelation 13:8, 15).
Having full political power, the Antichrist will then break the covenant he made with Israel as he will now seek full religious power and influence. He will then defile the Jewish Temple by committing an abomination that causes desolation. This abomination begins with him setting up an image of himself in the Temple followed by him sacrificing a pig on the altar (see Daniel 11:31; Matthew 24:15). He will become even more brazen as he deifies himself and loudly blasphemes against God (see 2 Thessalonians 2:4; Revelation 13:5-6). The False Prophet will then set up a system for people to worship the Antichrist, whose worship will become mandatory. He will also develop a system that will require wearing the mark of the Antichrist on either their hand or forehead in order to buy or sell (see Revelation 13:11-18).
The persecution of the Jews will escalate significantly and a Jewish remnant will flee from Israel (see Matthew 24:15-21; Revelation 12:1-17). Satan and the Antichrist will also begin to war heavily against believers (see Daniel 7:21, 25; Revelation 13:5-10).
Before the last half of the Tribulation begins, stern warnings will be offered by three angels. The first angel will proclaim to everyone that they were to fear God and worship Him alone as the time of judgment will be soon. The second angel warned that Babylon will soon fall, and the third angel made it clear that if anyone worshiped the Antichrist and received his mark would not be saved and will spend eternity in hell (see Revelation 14:6-10).
The Tribulation - Part Four - The Last Half
In His discourse on the Mount of Olives, Jesus refers to the last half of the period of Tribulation as the “Great Tribulation” (see Matthew 24:21). At which He notes, “such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be” (Matthew 24:21b, see also Daniel 9:27).
At this time the people on earth will have turned their backs on God. John witnesses the seventh trumpet which then reveals and releases the seven bowl judgments (see Revelation 16:1-21). These final judgments are offered one at a time, allowing additional time for one to repent of their sins and accept Jesus before being sent to hell. The first bowl judgment is poured out on the earth which will cause painful sores to appear on everyone who took the Antichrist’s “Mark of the Beast” and worshiped his image (see Revelation 16:2). The second bowl is poured in the sea which will turn the water into blood, killing all of the living things in the ocean (see Revelation 16:3). The third bowl is poured on to the earth’s fresh water sources and will cause all of the water to turn into blood (see Revelation 16:4-6). The fourth bowl is poured out on the sun which will cause the sun to flare burning and scorching the people, but the people will not seek forgiveness (see Revelation 16:8-9). The fifth bowl is poured out on the throne of the Antichrist, which will throw his kingdom into darkness. People will gnaw their tongues in anguish, but will still not repent (see Revelation 16:10-11). The sixth bowl is poured out on the Euphrates River which will cause the water dry up allowing the kings of the east to proceed westward (to gather for the final battle, see Revelation 16:12-16). The seventh bowl is poured out into the air which will bring lightning, thunder, and a great earthquake where the great city, Jerusalem was split into three parts and cities around the world destroyed (see Revelation 16:17-21).
The Tribulation - Part Five - The End
The city of Babylon was rebuilt for the worldwide religious system, which then grew to be a major finance and trade center, perhaps considered the greatest in the world during the time of the Tribulation (see Revelation 17:1-18). The city will be destroyed and will never be inhabited again (see Jeremiah 50:9-32, 39-40; Revelation 18:1-24).
In Revelation 19:7-16 we are told that before Jesus returns to earth there will be a “Marriage Supper of the Lamb” in heaven. We often read in Scripture the relationship between Jesus and the church as being described as a marriage, where Jesus is the Bridegroom and the church is His bride (see Matthew 9:15; 22:2-14; 25:1-13; Mark 2:19-20; Luke 5:34-35; 14:15-24; John 3:29, see also 2 Corinthians 11:2).
Jesus returns in majesty, riding a white horse, His eyes will be like fire, on His head several royal crowns, and He will be clothed in a robe dipped in blood on which the name “The Word of God.” On His thigh are the names, “King of kings and Lord of lords.” He will be followed by the armies of heaven who will also be riding white horses (see Matthew 24:30; Revelation 19:11-16).
The battle of Armageddon begins between God and the opposing forces of the Antichrist and the kings of the earth that had gathered to battle there, but victory was swift as the opposition had no chance of survival. The Antichrist and the False Prophet will then be thrown into the Lake of Fire (see Revelation 19:20). The rest of the opposition will be killed and their bodies eaten by birds (see Revelation 19:21). Jesus will then stand victorious on the Mount of Olives (see Zechariah 14:3-4).
The Millennial Kingdom - The Millennium
Based on the timing outlined in Daniel 12:11, “Blessed is he who waits and arrives at the 1,335 days,” which is seventy-five days longer than the 1,260 days of the last half of the Tribulation, many believe that this period of transition is the time when the Antichrist and the False Prophet will be cast into the Lake of Fire, Satan locked in the bottomless pit, Old Testament saints resurrected, believers that died during the Tribulation resurrected, and the judgment of nations (see Matthew 25:31-46).
The Millennial reign of Jesus begins, believers still alive after the Tribulation (see Matthew 25:34, 46), as well as the redeemed Jews (see Ezekiel 20:34-38) will continue to live in their ‘mortal’ bodies. Jesus will be joined by all the saints (the church and all those that have received their glorified bodies).
The nation of Israel will be restored and possess the land that God promised them (see Jeremiah 31:31-34, see also Isaiah 29:22-24; 30:18-22; 44:1-5; 45:17; Jeremiah 24:7; 50:19-20; Ezekiel 11:19-20; 36:25-27; Hosea 1:10-2:1; 14:4-8; Joel 2:28-32; Micah 7:8-20; Zephaniah 3:9-13; Romans 11:25-27).
The millennial Temple described in Ezekiel chapters 40-48 will be built and Jesus will reign on David’s throne (see 2 Samuel 7:12-13; 22:51, see also Micah 4:1-5; Zephaniah 3:14-20; Zechariah 14:1-21). King David (see Jeremiah 30:9) and the saints will reign with Jesus (see 1 Corinthians 15:25; 2 Timothy 2:12; Revelation 3:21; 20:6).
After the thousand years, Satan will be released from the bottomless pit and will once again deceive many, which will result in the final revolt against God. Even though Satan raises a significant army, the battle is over quickly (see Revelation 20:7-9), and Satan will then be cast into the Lake of Fire (see Revelation 20:10).
Before eternity begins all of the wicked throughout history including those who did not accept Jesus as their Savior will be resurrected, and the Great White Throne judgments will commence. Those whose names are not in the Lamb’s Book of Life will be sentenced to hell for eternity, they will be thrown into the Lake of Fire, joining Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet (see Revelation 20:11-15).
At the end of the thousand years, everything will change. Just like when sin began in Genesis chapter three and all of physical reality changed, we return to everything being as God originally created it to be. Everything will be new and perfect.
Throughout the Bible we read about the promise of a new earth and a new heaven (see Psalm 102:25-26; Isaiah 65:17; Matthew 24:35; 2 Peter 3:7-13). Whether this is a restoration of all things (see Isaiah 65:18; Ezekiel 28:25-26; 34:25-30; Acts 3:21) or they are completely new (see Revelation 21:5), the change will occur at this point. It also appears that heaven and earth will become parts of the same realm (heaven and earth merge into one).
A new city of Jerusalem will be introduced, this very large city will descend to earth. John attempts to describe the city in Revelation 21:9-27, but language seems inadequate to fully describe its beauty.
The remaining narrative of Revelation reveals a perfect existence with Jesus, eternity is spent in the presence of God!
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[1] See Eschatological Terms in “An Examination of the End Times.”